sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

My academic year

2009: third year of my career.

How this year I´m in half of journalism, could be good a reflection about it. Sometimes is necessary stop to think about what you've spent or made for value your actions.

Weel, the academic load of this year was normal, so I got good scores in my tests, I learned interesting topics of comunication and even I practice other kind of journalism like Tv and radio.

If I had to look back and compare with first and second year of my career, 2009 was a good academic period, even with other loads like my work.

Is very important explain this final point because for study you need time, so, if you haven´t all the time that you need, the scene turn complex. Well that happend to me: I work in my University and I have an timetable to keep all weeks.

On this respect I have somethig to say: If I had more time, my academic year could be better but I cannot grumble because how I said first, I obtain good results and at the moment I´m passing all my subjects.

Anyway, I regret not being able to devote all my time to special subjetcs (include english class), for read other texts or find more information about some authors. My console is that summer is coming and we are almost in vacations. I hope to revise this in my free time and have a rest.

Comming back to the central topic, my academic year was very diverse because it include differents areas like radio, theory of comunication and Television. This final subject was very special because isn´t only learn how is a camera and how use it: is learn a new language, the audiovisual language.

That was special because is a new way for express the activity of my career and audiovisual language increases the chances of creating reports or investigations.

Finally, this year was good in general. I´ve can see that I can do good many things at the same time. But I hope that next year will be more relaxed even I don´t thik so. I´ll continue work next year.

Anyway, I save the experience and the knowledge that I obtain this year because with my work and my studies -toghether- I even traveled to Cuba this year. It was the most beautiful experience of my life.

I´m very grateful of the life and I hope learn more next year .

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Journalism, challenges all the time

All people knows that our chilean education have many problems because isn´t regulate.

My discipline isn´t the exception: there are many journalist in Chile, so I can say that the principal challenge in my discipline is competition. But there are many other challenges, connected with other areas.

With techonology. First, my area -comunication- is encroach upon with digital plataforms, specially with Internet where blogs and other medias are making our job, in an independet way. This is because how all people is different, needs special information. That´s good if the journalist can work in this media, but is bad if this platforms steals our work.

In otherside, technology is a challange because journalist must to know how use new equipment like new cameras. If a journalist doesn´t know it, could get out his or her job.

Social Matters. How I said, now, in comunication there are a big topic: fragmented comunication. People is different and come together in communities or groups. Our challange is deliver them what they want and keep ethics over all. Our societies are very complex and we cannot not considerer conflicts of interest, especially in communication.

Education. We come back at first point. Education in two faces. First about our unregulated preparation that is a challange. Second, our job in mas media is a challange because we have a responsability with society and with information. If we don´t do our job with ethic and responsability we can detrimental many people.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

One Season: one reaction

How I feel about the seasons?

My answer is: very different.

Some seasons are a problem for me because I´m a special woman that need sun all the time.
How we know, all seasons are differents, so, it make me feel different too.
First, my favourite season is SUMMER!. I´m from Iquique, a place where there are sun all the time and people use to go to the beach, so, summer is the perfect season for enjoy the landscapes of my city. Other reasson is that in summer we aren´t in classes. I go to parties, I watch movies and I sleep so much.
Some people say that summer is unbearable because there are a lot of hear. I understand them but I don´t care hear, I love sumer.
Then, autumn is, how say it... is the beginning of an season that I don`t like. Autumn is a mixture of heat and cold. I like autum because sometimes I like feel cold in mi face and dress me with other kind of clothes. Use wool hats and coats. Autumn is tolerable only when the temperature doesn´t drop below 10 degrees, but sometimes that doesn´t happen and it's very cold.
If I have to say an advantage of autumn is that people could be in their house, in family, around a stove, sharing eachother.
When cold starts with rains, is my end!. I hate rain and use umbrellas. Winter starts in july in Chile and we have our winter vacations. Fortunately I can go to Iquique where there aren´t so much cold.
Winter have many desvantages. I cannot say any advantage of winter, at least for me. On winter I die!.
Then, start other good season: spring. I love spring because It brings the heat that I need to return to life. Spring brings shorts, tops, dress, skirts, my favourite clothes. People can out of their house without big clothes. For exaple, here in Juan Gómez Millas we can stay more time sharing our classmates, drink some beers, in others.
Some advantage of spring are the allergies. Some people suffer so much with this. Fortunately I'm not allergic.

Change of seasons are very significant for me because It make my life totally different.

How I say before, my favourite season is Summer, so my special memories are from summer.
When I was a little girl I use to go to the beach with my mother and my brother. We spent very good moments. Now, in summer I return to Iquique and I´ve have my betters summers.
I´ll never forget it.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Our "faculty"

Do you heard several complaints about facilities of our faculty?

Really? I don´t beleive you!

Ha - ha, I´m kidding

Our ICEI -Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen- isn´t a faculty, is an "Interdisciplinary Institute". ICEI is a young academy unite of our University and have a new bulding that has no comparation with the previous building: an old and big house located at Center of Santiago.

This is a big diference, so I think that we aren´t so bad.

Despite this, we cannot deny that our bulding have problems but in Juan Gómez Millas there are other faculties in worst conditions like Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts.

Our problems are with technological equipment for classes. For example, there are five professional camera or there are 5 radio studios for 30 classmates. This situations, sometimes, become complex because we have to wait many time for use it.

The problem is deeper than it looks because doesn´t depends of ICEI ´s authorities. Our Interdisciplinary Institute have no money for buy new equipment because our university doesn´t give what it need for innovation, only receives money to support and for pay salaries.

One solution would be a greater fairness in the distribution of resources between faculties and a greater commitment from chilean State with the education and future.

The benifits of these improvements would be better quality of learning and more justice between Faculties and between students. There are not better carrer than others.

If it happened, the professionals weel be better than now. This would be a structural change.

But changes must be not only in infrastructure. The subjects that we learn most be critical withour society and must see problems like these, about our university.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Friends over all

¿ ?

My famiily is a delicate topic.

I`m the smallest of my closest family (and I´m 20 years. We are so old!)

I have a brother (Alexander), father (Reinaldo) and my mother (Aurora) died when I was 13 years old. I forgot it, my dog (Colo colo, he is 15 years old!)

Other point: my familiar story is complex because my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are in Santiago and in Villarrica and we are in Iquique (but now I live in Santiago because I´m studing in University).

We, four and then three, had to related with other people and just have to accepte it: our communication with family only by telephone or E- mail.

I have a good relationship with my closest family, specially with my brother. He is 25 years old and we have many things and topics in common. He is psichologist and I will be journalist: two humanist in the family. With my father the relationship is good, only good. He is different to us.

Well, with my other relativies isn´t the same. With some aunts I have good relationship and ussually I visit their, but with some uncles I don´t have any communication and they live here, in Santiago, near from my house. But whatever, I´m used to it.

As I was saying, I must to related with other people, so, since I was small, I was very friendly. I have many friend, specially in Iquique, and now others from University.

My best friends called Liz and is from Iquique. I met her in 3th grade and we have 15 years of friendship.

Liz and my other friends (Nathaly, Carolina, Camila, Andrea, Nicole, Catalina and Marilyn) are very special for me because they are like my family. They were with me in hardest moments of my life and they made the role of my relatives. They was- and are- with me, they take care me and love me.

If I have to choose my choice will be my friends. They are the most important part of my life.
In future, when I will have a family, I would like that my childrens have a good and stronge relationship with their family. I will try it.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs

I´m fanatic of music. I cannot live without it. All the time I use my MP3 because my music is like the soundtrack of my life.

How I´m 20 years old, in my life I´ve knew many kind of rihythms and artists from many countries, but now I have my favourity band: Los Fabulosos Cadillacs.

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are an argentinian band mentined in 1985 (when i wasn´t in this planet). This band play many kind of music like Ska, reggae, punk, in others and have an particular style.

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs have a lot of albums and all their productions have importants song like "Matador", "Manuel Santillán, el león" and "Gitana". This songs are fundamental in the Latinamerican music history.

I don´t have a favourite song of LFC - and of other band- because i love many compositions of this band, but if I have to choose one my choice ir "La Vida".

(If you wanna here it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1JuFKFJAKk)

This year, on October 11th, LFC play in Santiago. The concert was great and in that opportunity they announced other event for December 3th. Of course, I will buy the ticket.

Besides I´ve been in another recital of artists like "Los Tres", "Bersuit Bergarabat", "Keane" and others.

Well, if you don´t know Fabulosos Cadillacs`s music, you must to search on Youtube or Ares dowload it. You will not regret.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

An important event for the comunication

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) announced an stoppages at Thursday and Friday. The reasson of this stoppages is that Royal Mail -the company- is asking importants requeriments and its are too quickly for employees.

Royal Mail is now in a modernization process and they are -accordind employees- making unreasonable demands on staff.

This stoppage is the first movilization in UK, but isn´t of others companies of Europe.

This stoppages will generated important consequences like 200 thousand items will not delivered to its destination.

Previously, The CWU offered conversations to Royal Mail for halt this stoppages but Royal Mail said that this stoppages is "appalling and unjustified attack on customers".

Specialist says that this stoppages could cost the company almost £120 in lost revenue, so Lord Mandelson, the business secretary of the UK government, said to CWU that their "message to them has been clear: put your customers first".

More information in
